Stem Cells

Stem Cells Q & A

What are stem cells?

Stem cells are a special type of cell that has the power to differentiate into specialized cells. That means they can be guided to multiply into new cell types. Most of the cells in your body cannot change their form or function, but stem cells have the power to transform into something different.

Stem cells are sometimes described as cells that don’t currently have a job. They’re waiting for direction, standing by to spring into action when the need arises. That means they have the potential to work to regenerate tissues within your body, which can help treat numerous orthopedic concerns.

What role do stem cells play in regenerative medicine?

Because stem cells can differentiate into new types of cells, they play a powerful role in biologic healing. Once manipulated to specialize in certain types of cells, stem cells can go to work regenerating nerve cells, blood cells, muscle cells, and connective tissues.

Some of the applications of stem cells in orthopedics include repair of:

  • Shoulders
  • Hips
  • Knees
  • Bones
  • Muscles
  • Ligaments

If you’re a good candidate for stem cell therapy, Dr. Thongchai Theerajunyaporn discusses this option with you in detail before creating your customized treatment plan.

Where do stem cells come from?

The stem cells used in natural healing come from your bone marrow. While it is possible to get stem cells from embryos, that approach has ethical implications and is not widely used. Harvesting stem cells from your bone marrow also ensures your body will accept the treatment with ease.

Dr. Thongchai Theerajunyaporn aspirates the bone marrow from your body with a needle. You receive numbing medication prior to this step, so there is minimal pain. The sample is spun at a high rate of speed to concentrate the stem cells, which he then draws into a syringe.

Dr. Thongchai Theerajunyaporn injects the prepared stem cells into the target area. He also numbs this portion of your body prior to injection. Dr. Thongchai Theerajunyaporn uses stem cells in the office as well as during surgery to increase the body healing response.

Learn more about stem cell therapy by booking a consultation online or over the phone with Dr. Thongchai Theerajunyaporn.

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